Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

So this year we thought we would let J. help
us carve pumpkins.
Well it turns out he is not a fan of pumpkin guts!
Reaching in for the first time....

Not to sure about the way it feels....
Can't get it off the fingers fast enough
OH YES... we dry heaved!
J. favorite thing right now is
The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
So we thought we would carve
Mickey and Minnie.
I know it is really dark but it is so light out
that we put them in the bathroom
and took a picture.
They turned out pretty good.
Maybe next year J. can try again
helping out!


  1. Laughed out loud at the dry heaving part! What a hoot!!! Love the pumpkins...they turned out great.

  2. Would have loved to have been there to watch Jaxson with the pumpkin.
