1. 5:00AM is NOT too early to get up!!!
2. I must sit up to poop!
3. I like only fuzzy blankets.
4. I like to rock.
5. I love to stand!!!
6. My giggle can get me anything I want!!
7. My second hiccup makes me puke!
8. I will only take one kind of pacifier
(despite my mom trying to get me to switch)
9. I like to talk to people when laying on the floor.
10. I must be toasty warm to sleep!!

J. is 3 months old today!
This chair has become one of his favorite
because he hits all the things that hang.
He has even figured out how to pull the
thing to make the music play!!!

Here he is pulling it!!!

And of course sucking on our fingers!!!
J. is growing very fast and constantly changing.
We are loving every minute with him!!!